No secret at all, this blog has been fallow. While I have finally managed to quadruple my paltry bankroll into the low four digits since the All-Star break by playing PLO on the kiddie tables at Full Tilt, the idea of writing about poker has not been high on my mind of late. I've been much more concerned with picking up a new day job. (Short story short: Middle school teaching was a bust, and I'm now a part-time copy editor for Women's Voices for Change. It's an incredibly good site, but damn, I miss being onsite and technical.)
Since moving down to Philadelphia, I've been hanging with my father a lot more, and we've taken some trips down to the Borgata together to play $3-6. However, I have not been able to wheedle my way into his sacred all-male every-other-Friday night quarter game. I'm hoping that a recent email I got from Nevada Jack's might change the odds just a little.
See, even though I may have seemed to forget I have a poker blog, there are still some folks out there who look at this. Mea cupla, and thank you. So in the interest of turning my readers into customers, Jack's is offering me a free 500-piece chip set (this $50 one) for a happy link article. Note that I will not whore out to just anybody--Ultimate Bet went into my personas non grata trash can a long time ago, and there have been plenty of other offers I've turned down.
However, I've played with people who have Jack's chips; they clink nicely, spin well, and otherwise look good tumbling over fingers. I've been on-and-off coveting a set of their Desert Sands chips for a while. Were I a higher-stakes player or a true collector, I'd already have them.
Anyhow, short story short: Nevada Jack's makes nice chips. Me wants.